He Said What?
We should never underestimate the power of words. We have seen lately how a poor choice of words can change the fortunes of a political candidate or damage a successful career. Words are in part what set us apart and make us human. They are not only the means by which we communicate, but they reveal so much about our attitudes and beliefs. In the book of Job we see a revealing account of an influential man dealing with a personal tragedy. In spite of his standing in the community and in the eyes of God, trouble came. As is the case in situations like this it is human nature to attempt to affix blame. Job, in the midst of pain began to accuse God of wrong and persecuting him without cause and event went so far as to call God his adversary (Job 19:6-11). Years ago when I first began to study the book of Job I read several textbooks by some leading theologians and I found that this story sent most of them into a tailspin.
In Job 23:2-4, Job declared “Even to this day my complaint is bitter…. Oh that I knew that I might find Him, that I might come even to His seat. I would order my cause before Him and fill my mouth with arguments.” Job was angry and bitter and was looking for God so he could straighten Him out! Most people even to this day assume erroneously that if things happen that are beyond our control, then God must have done it. Ever read your insurance policies and take note of the phrase “acts of God”? You will never understand Job or suffering for that matter until you read the entire story. Job’s problem was not God. There was another actor involved and the narrative clearly identifies him and his motives. His mission was to destroy Job and his influence. In chapter 32 of the book a young man named Elihu begins to speak on God’s behalf by inspiration of the Holy Spirit and tells the truth about the matter. He lets us know that God does play a role in suffering and affliction and that is to get you out of it (Job 36:7-12). He also drops a bombshell in Job 37:23 when he declared “Touching the Almighty, we cannot find Him out: He is excellent in power, and in judgment and in plenty of justice: he will not afflict.” God was not Job’s problem and neither is He your problem, but rather your answer and your way out. Job did not know what he was talking about in this regard was unwise with his words and made the classic mistake of blaming God for his trouble. Don’t make the same mistake in your life. God is not your problem. His love for you is eternal, and is revealed in the sacrifice of His son.
Pastor Bill Young